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How To Spline A Screen

Splining a screen is a relatively simple process that allows you to create a tight, uniform fit between the screen and its frame. This is an important step in the installation of a screen on a window or door, as it will help ensure that the screen does not come loose and that it is properly sealed. Here is how to spline a screen.

First, you will need to gather the necessary materials for the job. You will need a spline roller, which is a tool designed specifically for splining, and a piece of spline, which is a flexible, rubber-like material that is used to hold the screen in place. Additionally, you will need a utility knife to cut the spline to the proper length.

Once you have the necessary materials, you can begin the process of splining the screen. Begin by laying the screen over the frame of the window or door. Make sure that it is centered and that the edges of the screen are flush with the frame. Next, use the utility knife to cut the spline to the proper length. Make sure that the length of the spline is slightly longer than the circumference of the frame.

Now, you can begin installing the spline. Begin at one corner of the frame and use the spline roller to press the spline into the groove that runs along the edge of the frame. As you press the spline into the groove, make sure that it is evenly distributed so that the screen fits snugly and uniformly. Continue this process around the entire frame until the spline is completely installed.

Finally, you can trim off any excess spline with the utility knife. Make sure that you are careful not to cut into the screen or frame. Once you have trimmed off any excess spline, your screen should be properly splined and ready for installation.

Splining a screen is a relatively simple process that can help ensure that the screen is properly secured and that it is sealed against insects and other debris. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily spline a screen and complete the installation process.